City of Austin
Performance Measures
Austin Transportation
Department Director:
Richard Mendoza - Interim Director
Department Website:
Department Phone:
Department Mission
The mission of the Austin Transportation Department is to deliver a safe, equitable, reliable, accessible and sustainable multi-modal transportation system.
Department Goals
Reduce the amount of time workers spend traveling between home and work Reduce the amount of time workers spend traveling between home and work.
Promote a balanced transportation network and the ability to make informed choices based on personal needs and preferences The Austin community will have access to multiple transportation choices and the ability to travel based on personal need and preferences.
Lower the cost of traveling in Austin by providing affordable travel options The Austin community will have access to multiple transportation choices and the ability to travel based on personal need and preferences.
Protect Austinites by lowering the risk of travel-related injury and promoting public health The Austin community will have a lower risk of travel-related injury and live healthier lives.
Key Performance Indicators
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