City of Austin | Performance Measures

City of Austin

Performance Measures

Office of the City Clerk
Department Director: -
Department Website: No Website
Department Phone:

Department Mission

The Office of the City Clerk (OCC) is responsible for managing the City of Austin's elections, providing records and information management to all departments, serving as a liaison to the boards and commissions, managing records of Council actions, updating the Municipal Code and technical manuals, administering lobbyist registrations, supporting Council meetings, and maintaining the Council Meeting Information Center and the Board and Commission Meeting Information Center websites.

Department Goals

Promote transparency and access to City information/records.
Conduct accessible elections that comply with election laws through enhanced collaboration with relevant county election administrators as well as coordination with GIS mapping services.
Promote records management best practice and compliance with state and city records management requirements.
Promote active citizen participation that fosters an environment that informs elected officials with information needed when making policy decisions.

Key Performance Indicators