City of Austin Land Development Code Amendments Spring 2025


No. Requestor Received Question Status Answer
1 Ellis 02/04/2025
How will unlicensed or expired license STRs be vetted from online platforms?
The proposed ordinance would require STR platforms to ensure that a license number is entered into an advertisement before the advertisement can be displayed on the platform’s website. The STR platform will not be responsible for determining the validity of the license number. The Development Services Department intends to seek a contract with a vendor capable of performing “data-scraping” from STR platform websites. "Data-scraping" will assist city staff in identifying STR advertisements that do not contain a valid license number. City staff will analyze the data received from the vendor and determine whether the license number displayed is valid. If City staff confirm that the STR is not licensed, City staff will send a “de-list” notification to the STR platform to have the advertisement removed. Depending on the information available, City staff would also be able to pursue enforcement actions against the individual property owner as well for advertising a STR without a valid license.
Answered: 02/10/2025 11:01 AM
2 Ellis 02/04/2025
How frequently will STR licenses need to be renewed? Please provide a breakdown of application costs and related fees with the estimated total recurring cost amount.
STR licenses are currently valid for one year and require annual renewal. The draft ordinance does not change this practice. For FY25, a new STR license is $729.00. In addition, there is a notification fee of $50.14. For a STR license renewal, the current fee amount is $437.00. Under the proposal, if a license holder changes their contact information after receiving the STR license, a new notification and resulting fee will be required upon renewal.
Answered: 02/10/2025 11:01 AM
3 Ellis 02/04/2025
What additional costs, if any, would current compliant STR operators expect from the proposed amendments?
Based on the current draft ordinance, STR operators might incur a cost to comply with the liability insurance requirement ($1 million policy). Some STR platforms already provide coverage to hosts at no additional cost for transactions booked through the STR platform.
Answered: 02/10/2025 11:01 AM
4 Ellis 02/04/2025
What personal information is publicly accessible from a STR license number search?
Today, a host is required to include their STR license information in their advertisements. This has been a requirement for almost 10 years. The proposed regulations continue that requirement and add a requirement that STR platforms include a license field that must be completed before an advertisement will be posted on the platform. License numbers, addresses, council district, fees paid, and City staff information are public information that is made available on a combination of sources. Specifically, the city’s Open Data Portal (, which includes the license number, license classification (Type 1, Type 2, etc.), property address using block number, zip code, and council district; and the City’s Austin Build + Connect public search portal (, which includes, the license number, license type, property address, application date, issued date, expiration date, property legal description, owner and contact name, address, phone number, and email address are displayed. Additionally, the amount of fees paid, and the city staff contact information are viewable as well.
Answered: 02/10/2025 11:02 AM
5 Ellis 02/04/2025
How are emergency conditions defined that would require a 2-hour response window? Can the local contact designate a backup contact in the event the local contact cannot respond in-person?
The draft ordinance defines “Emergency Condition” as an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action or an urgent need for assistance or relief. This term includes, at a minimum, any fire, natural disaster, power outage, gas leak, noise violation, disturbance, criminal activity, or medical emergency. City staff will consider options to designate an alternative local contact.
Answered: 02/10/2025 11:02 AM
6 Ellis 02/04/2025
What is Code Compliance's vacancy rate?
The current vacancy rate for the Development Services Department is 9.09%. Specific to the functions under the Code Fund, the vacancy rate is 9.38%. None of the current vacancies are in the STR Enforcement or STR Licensing units.
Answered: 02/10/2025 11:02 AM
7 Ellis 02/04/2025
Is there any expectation of increasing Code Compliance staff or expanding hours of operation?
Before requesting additional resources, the Development Services Department will evaluate the effectiveness of the new ordinance and related vendors to ensure that existing resources are fully leveraged, and processes have been optimized to the extent possible.
Answered: 02/10/2025 11:02 AM
8 Ellis 02/04/2025
Please provide an example of an evacuation plan for a single-family-home STR.
Included is an example of an evacuation plan. Please note that the Development Services Department will not require that evacuation plans be technical or professionally drawn. Hand drawings will be accepted as long as they display the means of egress, and the locations of fire extinguishers and smoke detectors.
Answered: 02/10/2025 11:02 AM