City of Austin | Performance Measures

City of Austin

Performance Measures

Municipal Court
Department Director: Mary Jane Grubb - Court Clerk
Department Website:
Department Phone: 512-974-4800

Department Mission

Municipal Court- To impartially administer justice in a fair and efficient manner so that trust and accountability is exemplified to the public we serve.

Department Goals

Provide prompt, effective, efficient and impartial administration of justice and processing of all cases filed with the Court.
Provide accurate, readily accessible information through multiple channels to the public and to all individuals participating in Municipal Court cases about (1) the Court’s procedures, (2) the rights and duties of defendants in cases before the Court, and (3) alternative sentencing options that allow individuals to resolve their cases when they cannot afford fines or costs.
Minimize jail commitments for non-payment of fines whenever effective alternatives are available.
Make alternative sentencing options available whenever appropriate under the law and ensure sentencing is consistent with all federal and state laws restricting jail commitments.
Minimize the issuance of warrants whenever alternatives are available and through imposition of alternative sentences.
Minimize unintended adverse consequences of Class C fines and fees on low-income individuals and families.
Perform timely magistration at the Travis County Central Booking Facility to minimize the timeframe between a person’s arrest and their opportunity to be released from detention, and when setting bonds, hewing closely to the minimum bond necessary to secure a defendant’s presence in court, and prioritizing release on personal bonds when possible.
Treat all people with respect and dignity and to create culture of sensitivity to the diversity of income levels and circumstances of individuals residing in Austin.

Key Performance Indicators