
Department Name Request From Year Status  

No Department Requestor Year Question Status Answers
1 Financial Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Describe any grants and the programs those grants fund that are expected to expire or are expected to have reduced award amounts within FY 23-24, and may result in the reduction of services.
DocumentImage  FY24 #001 AlterA
Answered:  7/27/2023
2 Management Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Provide additional detail on the funding and programming of HSEM, as well as any unmet HSEM needs for FY 23-24.
DocumentImage  FY24 #002 AlterA
Answered:  7/27/2023
4 Citywide Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please detail new funding across departments related to disaster preparedness and readiness. 
DocumentImage  FY24 #004 AlterA
Answered:  7/31/2023
5 Management Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please outline specific investments being made to implement the Climate Equity Plan.
DocumentImage  FY24 #005 AlterA
Answered:  8/6/2023
6 Austin Public Health Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please provide information on whether any Austin Public Health programs or services, including services provided through social service contracts, are anticipated to be reduced or eliminated compared to last year. 
DocumentImage  FY24 #006 AlterA
Answered:  7/27/2023
7 Parks and Recreation Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
What is the proposed FY 23-24 allocation for the implementation of the Austin Civilian Conservation Corps, including funding for staff and FTEs? Please provide a breakdown on funding sources across participating departments, and details on projects.
DocumentImage  FY24 #007 AlterA
Answered:  7/19/2023
8 Austin Energy Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please confirm if any revenue that exceeded the established revenue requirements and costs of Austin Energy has been allocated to the General Fund to fulfill the General Fund Transfer 12% policy. 
DocumentImage  FY24 #008 Alter
Answered:  7/17/2023
9 Citywide Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
In previous years, departments composed unmet service demands and budget development reports to Council. Please provide each department’s Unmet Service Demands and Budget Development report - or a list of unmet needs, should such a report not be available. 
DocumentImage  FY24 #009 AlterA
Answered:  7/31/2023
10 Management Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please provide a status update on the progress made thus far to build a warehouse facility for HSEM. In the status update, indicate whether space will be made available for use by our nonprofit disaster relief partners.  Please also provide the funding amount and source for work completed to date and anticipated related to this warehouse. 
DocumentImage  FY24 #010 AlterA
Answered:  8/1/2023
11 Police Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
In FY 2020-21 the proposed budget included trauma-informed, anti-racism, and Naloxone training. Was this a one-time budget item or ongoing?  How many of our existing police officers have received each type of training? What is the plan to ensure all existing officers receive this training?  Please also describe when and how future cadet classes will receive trauma-informed, anti-racism, and Naloxone training.
DocumentImage  FY24 #011 AlterA
Answered:  7/19/2023
12 Police Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
This spring, Chief Chacon committed to train all police officers in two programs designed to reduce the use of force . The first training program is the Integrating Communication, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) offered by the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF). The second training program is Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE). Please describe the plan and timeline for rolling out these two programs for all officers.  Please describe how these two programs are incorporated in cadet training. To the extent possible, please indicate the FY24 resources devoted to implementing these two programs and note what additional resources might be needed to accelerate implementation across the force. 
DocumentImage  FY24 #012 AlterA
Answered:  7/19/2023
13 Austin Energy Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please provide an update on the progress made thus far with regard to Electric Vehicle building code readiness. Please provide an update on Austin Energy’s FY 24 budget for this work and any upcoming plans. 
DocumentImage  FY24 #013 Alter
Answered:  7/17/2023
14 Austin Water Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please provide the estimated cost implications of implementing the recommendations in the Austin Water External Review, including a breakdown of the implementation tasks that have already been incorporated into the AW budget.
DocumentImage  FY24 #014 AlterA
Answered:  7/19/2023
15 Austin Water Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please explain what amount of progress on the Austin Water efforts to implement citywide AMI smart meters is currently funded in the FY24 budget.
DocumentImage  FY24 #015 AlterA
Answered:  7/19/2023
16 EMS Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Staff recently completed a cost-of-service study for EMS that indicated that our EMS fee schedule does not cover the full cost of service. Please confirm whether and how the proposed EMS fee schedule reflects the increases allowed per the cost-of-service study and whether and how those increased fees are being reinvested back into EMS.
DocumentImage  FY24 #16 AlterA
Answered:  8/15/2023
17 Police Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please confirm that recent investments in our sexual assault response remain in the proposed budget, including the financial commitments relating to the January 2022 lawsuit settlement and the items identified by the Police Executive Research Forum (Reported Sexual Assault Comprehensive Evaluation).
DocumentImage  FY24 #017 AlterA
Answered:  7/21/2023
18 Police Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please confirm that the positions within the Victim Services Division supporting sex crimes, domestic violence, and crisis response, including those funded by soon-to-be expired grants, retain funding with no loss of existing FTEs. 
DocumentImage  FY24 #018 AlterA
Answered:  7/21/2023
19 Fire Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please provide a detailed description of the budget for the Austin Fire Department Wildfire Division. Please note any budgetary changes that have occurred from FY 2022-23.
DocumentImage  FY24 #019 AlterA
Answered:  7/26/2023
20 Austin Public Health Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please provide confirmation that the funding of Parent Support Specialists, PrimeTime, and Victory Tutorial is included in the City’s base budget upon conclusion of the 5-year contract per Council direction.
DocumentImage  FY24 #20 AlterA v.2
Answered:  8/9/2023
21 Citywide Alter, A 2024
Received: 5/23/2023
Please provide a detailed accounting of departments throughout the organization that are contributing budgetary investments related to wildfire prevention and mitigation and please provide correlating descriptions with each investment.
DocumentImage  FY24 #021 AlterA
Answered:  7/31/2023
22 Housing Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/17/2023
Please provide the amounts of funding by source for the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and the calculation that determined each. Please also provide the proposed expenditures from the HTF for FY23-24.
DocumentImage  FY24 #022 AlterR
Answered:  8/8/2023
23 Citywide Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please provide a financial projection for the next five years based on only the positions approved by Council for each General Fund Department and not including additional positions that departments project they might need in the future or additional costs not approved by Council.
DocumentImage  FY24 #023 Vela
Answered:  8/4/2023
24 Police Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please share a detailed police budget spreadsheet showing all specific internal expenditure increases and decreases at the level of program expenditures as allocated by the proposed FY24 budget.
DocumentImage  FY24 #024 Vela
Answered:  7/31/2023
25 Austin Public Health Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
The Homeless Strategy Division of Austin Public Health appears to have lost $1.1m in funding between FY23 and FY24 (p. 157). Is this accurate? Is the division and/or its programming being funded elsewhere in the budget?
DocumentImage  FY24 #025 Vela
Answered:  7/21/2023
26 Housing Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much money is allocated for rental assistance in this year’s budget? Is it a decrease from the 8 million dollars allocated to the housing rental assistance program in FY23? This question refers specifically to the housing rental assistance program, not the emergency rental assistance program.
DocumentImage  FY24 #026 Vela
Answered:  8/6/2023
27 Austin Public Health/Management Services Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Last year the city set aside funds to improve extreme heat and cold emergency sheltering options for residents without AC/heat and our unsheltered population. Is that money in this budget and at what funding level?
DocumentImage  FY24 #027 Vela
Answered:  8/2/2023
28 Police Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What funding is set aside specifically for staffing retention and recruitment at 911?
DocumentImage  FY24 #028 Vela
Answered:  7/26/2023
29 Austin Public Health Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Is there any money allocated to renovation of the Sobering Center for facilitation of longer-term drug treatment?
DocumentImage  FY24 #029 Vela
Answered:  7/26/2023
30 Austin Resource Recovery Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Is there any money allocated to the planning of an ARR transfer center?
DocumentImage  FY24 #030 Vela
Answered:  8/2/2023
31 Planning Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
The Budget identifies that there will be 7 new additions to the Planning Department to do code amendments. Right now, many code amendments are outsourced to or require the support of other departments, such as Housing, Watershed, Transportation, and Law. Are more resources being given to those departments, or is the Planning Department going to be lead on more code amendments?
DocumentImage  FY24 #031 Vela
Answered:  8/6/2023
32 Planning Vela 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
In the July 6th memo updating council on ETODs, the memo stated that "An additional four positions within the Planning Department dedicated to ETOD would be necessary to complete station area vision planning processes for the Phase 1 Austin Light Rail investment by mid-2025." How many of the new Planning Department positions will be dedicated to ETOD?
DocumentImage  FY24 #032 Vela
Answered:  8/6/2023
33 Economic Development/Austin Public Health Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much does the proposed budget include for ongoing funds for workforce development and how does that compare to last year’s allocation for ongoing funds? How much did the City allocate to workforce development in one-time funds last year, and how does that compare to this year?
DocumentImage  FY24 #33 Kelly
Answered:  8/8/2023
34 Police Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What would be the total cost to get all APD vehicles to get new wraps? How many current vehicles currently need new wraps?
DocumentImage  FY24 #034 Kelly
Answered:  7/26/2023
35 Financial Services - Budget Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please provide a list of total vacancies within City departments and associated costs.
DocumentImage  FY24 #035 Kelly
Answered:  8/1/2023
36 Citywide Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please provide an account of the funding allocated for Emergency Preparedness preparations for natural disasters. Include any training for the community in the breakdown, including CERT training, how many people are anticipated to be trained, and the number of classes proposed to be held.
DocumentImage  FY24 #036 Kelly
Answered:  8/2/2023
37 Citywide Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please provide a list and brief description of all reductions to programs in the FY 2023-24 Proposed Budget for each department.
DocumentImage  FY24 #37 Kelly
Answered:  8/10/2023
38 Police Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much year-to-date has Austin Police Department (APD) expended in overtime? What is APD’s overtime current year estimate for FY 2022-23?
DocumentImage  FY24 #038 Kelly
Answered:  7/31/2023
39 Austin Public Health Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much was allocated to the HEAL Initiative in previous fiscal years and how much is allocated in the FY 2023-24 Proposed Budget?
DocumentImage  FY24 #039 Kelly
Answered:  7/27/2023
40 Fleet Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much was spent on rental vehicles for the city compared to the overall allocated budget for rental vehicles?
DocumentImage  FY24 #040 Kelly
Answered:  7/27/2023
41 Police Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Can you provide a detailed line-item budget for the transfer and debt service for the Austin Police Department in the 2023-24 fiscal year?
DocumentImage  FY24 #041 Kelly
Answered:  7/26/2023
42 City Clerk Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please break down the associated costs required for citizen-led ballot petition initiatives and regular elections for the past 5 years.
DocumentImage  FY24 #042 Kelly
Answered:  7/27/2023
43 Communications and Technology Management Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What backup services are available in case of a shutdown at the Combined Transportation, Emergency, and Communications Center (CTECC) in the 2023-2024 fiscal year? Are there plans for any additional CTECC facilities? What would it cost for a second CTECC facility to be built?
DocumentImage  FY24 #043 Kelly
Answered:  7/26/2023
45 EMS Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much would it cost to fund 3 FTEs to manage and operate the EMS simulation program?
DocumentImage  FY24 #045 Kelly
Answered:  7/31/2023
46 EMS Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much would it cost to fund a new mass casualty EMS truck?
DocumentImage  FY24 #046 Kelly
Answered:  7/31/2023
47 EMS Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Is there any current funding allocated for EMS for additional large-scale event resources?
DocumentImage  FY24 #047 Kelly
Answered:  8/1/2023
48 EMS/Aviation Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the cost of airport medical support for EMS?
DocumentImage  FY24 #048 Kelly
Answered:  8/2/2023
49 EMS Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the cost to increase C4 collaboration care from 12 hours to 24 hours for EMS?
DocumentImage  FY24 #049 Kelly
Answered:  7/31/2023
50 EMS/Fire/Police Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the cost for 1 full scale, 1 tabletop, and 2 functional trainings per year for public safety and emergency management? Please provide a breakdown for the last five years for how often each type of training was done and which departments participated.
DocumentImage  FY24 #050 Kelly
Answered:  8/3/2023
51 Animal Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Is the Animal Behaviorist for animal services, approved last year by the Council, allocated in this year's Proposed Budget? If not, why?
DocumentImage  FY24 #051 Kelly
Answered:  7/21/2023
52 Animal Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much would a second animal center cost to plan, build, and staff? Please identify potential funding sources for this type of project. Please outline them in detail.
DocumentImage  FY24 #52 Kelly
Answered:  8/8/2023
53 Financial Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What was the total cost to the city of the last three major natural disasters? How much was/is reimbursed by the federal government?
DocumentImage  FY24 #053 Kelly
Answered:  8/1/2023
54 Citywide Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much is currently allocated for public safety sworn and non-sworn staffing? Please outline by each department, not limited to the following: HSEM, CTECC, Austin Police Department, EMS, and Austin Fire Department.
DocumentImage  FY24 #054 Kelly
Answered:  7/26/2023
55 Parks and Recreation Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Is there funding allocated for a Play for All Abilities Park in District 6 in the Proposed FY 2023-24 budget? If so, how much and please outline the costs associated with building the park.
DocumentImage  FY24 #055 Kelly
Answered:  7/31/2023
56 Citywide Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please provide personnel, equipment, and vehicle costs for neighborhood debris pick-up and removal. Include the cost of cleanup for Winter Storm Mara, as well as how much of that was budgeted and where the funding came from.
DocumentImage  FY24 #056 Kelly
Answered:  8/1/2023
57 Financial Services - Budget Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much total federal grant money is budgeted for in the FY 2023-24 Proposed Budget? List by department.
DocumentImage  FY24 #057 Kelly
Answered:  7/20/2023
58 Housing Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How many LLCs have been created between the AHFC and APHFC?
DocumentImage  FY24 #058 Kelly
Answered:  8/6/2023
60 Citywide Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much funding is allocated for maintenance and improvements of city-owned assets, such as roads, buildings, and parks?
DocumentImage  FY24 #060 Kelly
Answered:  8/1/2023
61 Economic Development Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What initiatives are in place to promote small business development and entrepreneurship?
DocumentImage  FY24 #061 Kelly
Answered:  8/6/2023
62 Austin Public Health/Parks and Recreation/Austin Public Library Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the budget allocation for youth services, including after-school programs and recreational activities?
DocumentImage  FY24 #062 Kelly
Answered:  8/7/2023
63 Financial Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the City's obligation to pay back bonds associated with Project Connect? Are the bonds associated with Project Connect GOV or Private bonds? a.       Are the bonds tax-free to the investor?
DocumentImage  FY24 #63 Kelly
Answered:  8/9/2023
64 Financial Services - Budget Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the City's current bonding capacity?
DocumentImage  FY24 #064 Kelly
Answered:  8/8/2023
65 Financial Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Is the 20% of the City’s M & O tax rate and the taxes it generates that passed for Project Connect the maximum amount of the City’s total financial commitment to Project Connect?
DocumentImage  FY24 #65 Kelly
Answered:  8/9/2023
66 Financial Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
It has been proposed that ATP can issue bonds for Project Connect without a bond election. Does this require City approval? a.       Would these bonds be backed by the full faith and credit of the City and count against the City’s bond capacity? b.      If ATP issues Revenue Bonds instead of GO debt using the 20% of City M & O taxes as revenue, is the City under any obligation to provide any funds more than the taxes raised by the 20%? 
DocumentImage  FY24 #66 Kelly
Answered:  8/9/2023
67 Convention Center Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What are the year-to-date totals for the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) in FY 2022-23? Please provide a breakdown by month.
DocumentImage  FY24 #067 Kelly
Answered:  8/1/2023
68 Police Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Which Austin Police Department (APD) units will receive new sworn officers? How many of each new sworn position will these units receive?
DocumentImage  FY24 #068 Kelly
Answered:  7/26/2023
69 Financial Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please outline and describe the number of bonds currently being serviced, what is the funding being allocated for, and the expected time of maturity for each bond. Please outline.
DocumentImage  FY24 #069 Kelly
Answered:  7/31/2023
70 Law Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much did we spend on legal fees for City lawsuits in the previous fiscal year and how much do we have allocated in the FY23-24 Proposed Budget for law?
DocumentImage  FY24 #070 Kelly
Answered:  7/26/2023
71 Convention Center Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please provide information regarding the Convention Center expansion. Including, but not limited to the following: Amount of Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) needed, bonds issued, and personnel costs, to complete the expansion.
DocumentImage  FY24 #071 Kelly
Answered:  8/6/2023
72 Housing Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the total amount of outstanding bonds and debt for each of the LLCs and the two corporations as a whole?
DocumentImage  FY24 #072 Kelly
Answered:  8/6/2023
73 Housing Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How many contracts with the LLCs have been amended within the last fiscal year?
DocumentImage  FY24 #73 Kelly
Answered:  8/8/2023
74 Convention Center Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the projected revenue total of HOT taxes predicted for FY 2023-24?
DocumentImage  FY24 #074 Kelly
Answered:  8/1/2023
76 Law Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
What is the total amount in settlements to plaintiffs by the city related to APD?
DocumentImage  FY24 #076 Kelly
Answered:  8/2/2023
77 Financial Services - Budget Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Which projects in District 6 are currently allocated general obligation bond funds in the 2023-2024 fiscal year?
DocumentImage  FY24 #077 Kelly
Answered:  8/7/2023
78 Citywide Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much funding is allocated for social services and programs that support vulnerable populations?
DocumentImage  FY24 #78 Kelly
Answered:  8/8/2023
79 Housing Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much funding is allocated for affordable housing initiatives?
DocumentImage  FY24 #079 Kelly
Answered:  8/6/2023
80 Financial Services - Controllers Kelly 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
How much ARPA funds are allocated in the Proposed Budget? Please detail what the funds are allocated for, and the spending timeline attached to those funds.
DocumentImage  FY24 #080 Kelly
Answered:  7/25/2023
81 Police Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please provide additional, specific details regarding our partnership with Workforce Solutions to enhance recruiting efforts for 9-1-1 call takers. What is the City investing with regard to this partnership? Please provide a copy of the latest recruitment plan.
DocumentImage  FY24 #081 AlterA
Answered:  7/26/2023
82 Financial Services - Budget Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
The proposed budget states that 30 positions are being eliminated as part of the FY 2023-24 Budget due to the Interim City Manager’s policy regarding long-term vacancies. Please detail these positions and to which departments they belong.
DocumentImage  FY24 #082 AlterA
Answered:  7/20/2023
83 Financial Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/18/2023
Please provide each department’s current vacancy rate as compared to each department’s vacancy rate last year.
DocumentImage  FY24 #083 AlterA
Answered:  8/1/2023
84 Financial Services Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/19/2023
What departments were impacted by the limit on FTE requests for departments with +15% vacancies per 3/24 memo?
DocumentImage  FY24 #084 Fuentes
Answered:  8/1/2023
85 Financial Services - Budget Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/19/2023
What is the cost of an additional 1%, 2% across the board raise?
DocumentImage  FY24 #085 Fuentes
Answered:  8/4/2023
89 Austin Public Health Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/19/2023
Will the Community Health Workers positions remain grant funded for fiscal year 2023-24?
DocumentImage  FY24 #089 Fuentes
Answered:  8/3/2023
90 Human Resources Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/19/2023
What is the plan for the city to reach a living wage of $22 per hour and subsequently $27? What would be the cost to increase the min wage to $21/hr in this budget?
DocumentImage  FY24 #090 Fuentes
Answered:  8/4/2023
91 Housing Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/19/2023
Are displacement navigation services funded through this budget?
DocumentImage  FY24 #091 Fuentes
Answered:  8/6/2023
92 Housing Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/19/2023
Are tenant relocation services funded through this budget?
DocumentImage  FY24 #092 Fuentes
Answered:  8/6/2023
93 Austin Public Health/Parks and Recreation/Austin Public Library Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/19/2023
Are menstrual equity products funded through this budget? (RESOLUTION NO. 20220519-089)
DocumentImage  FY24 #093 Fuentes
Answered:  7/31/2023
94 Financial Services - Budget Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/19/2023
What are the estimated costs to implement each of the unfunded items from council included in the Five-Year Financial Forecast Report on page 41? Please list each of the estimated costs.
DocumentImage  FY24 #094 Fuentes
Answered:  7/26/2023
95 Municipal Court Vela 2024
Received: 7/20/2023
Does the budget include funding for pay parity for Substitute Judges, as recommended by the Council’s Public Safety Committee?
DocumentImage  FY24 #095 Vela
Answered:  8/1/2023
96 Municipal Court Vela 2024
Received: 7/20/2023
Does the budget include funding for a higher pay rate for magistration duties at the Central Booking jail facility, as recommended by the Council’s Public Safety Committee?
DocumentImage  FY24 #096 Vela
Answered:  8/1/2023
97 Municipal Court Vela 2024
Received: 7/20/2023
Does the budget include funding for additional support staff for magistration in order to restart the Counsel at First Appearance program? If so, how many FTEs and/or PTEs?
DocumentImage  FY24 #097 Vela
Answered:  8/1/2023
98 Municipal Court Vela 2024
Received: 7/20/2023
Does the budget include funding for operations and/or staff to support the expansion of the Downtown Community Court’s jurisdiction citywide, as previously approved by Council?
DocumentImage  FY24 #098 Vela
Answered:  8/2/2023
100 Police Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/21/2023
As a follow-up to CBQ18, please provide financial information on what it would cost to fund the 10 VOCA grant funded positions within the Victim Services Division that are responding to sex crimes, domestic violence, and other crimes.
DocumentImage  FY24 #100 AlterA
Answered:  7/31/2023
101 Housing Velásquez 2024
Received: 7/21/2023
Based on the $250k amount listed on page 61 for emergency rental assistance and relocation assistance combined, it is unclear how much money is specifically dedicated to tenant relocation assistance alone. Please provide the total number of tenant families provided with relation assistance in the current fiscal year, the total number of applications submitted for relocation assistance, the average amount of funds per applicant that received relocation assistance, the total amount of funds dedicated to tenant relocation assistance, and the timeframe in which the funding was spent.
DocumentImage  FY24 #101 Velásquez
Answered:  8/8/2023
103 Management Services Velásquez 2024
Received: 7/21/2023
With reference to the statement regarding a continuation of funding for the Resilience Hubs, please provide a breakdown of the funding that will be allocated to the Resilience Hubs in this budget.
DocumentImage  FY24 #103 Velásquez
Answered:  7/31/2023
105 Austin Public Health Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/24/2023
What programs or strategies related to reproductive health are funded through the budget? Please include the amount.
DocumentImage  FY24 #105 Fuentes
Answered:  7/31/2023
106 Planning Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/24/2023
Please provide a list of the resiliency-related initiatives and programs in the proposed budget with corresponding funding amounts. Please notate which initiatives are new funding.
DocumentImage  FY24 #106 Fuentes
Answered:  8/10/2023
107 Parks and Recreation Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/24/2023
Which parks will receive funding for the construction of shade structures?
DocumentImage  FY24 #107 Fuentes
Answered:  7/31/2023
108 Housing Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/24/2023
Please provide a list of the anti-displacement-related initiatives and programs in the proposed budget with corresponding funding amounts. Please notate which initiatives are new funding.
DocumentImage  FY24 #108 Fuentes
Answered:  8/6/2023
109 Austin Public Health Fuentes 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
-How many Community Health Worker (CHW) positions are grant funded? -When will the grant funding for CHW positions end/ expire? -What is the plan to convert the current CHW positions to full time positions? -How much further funding would need to be allocated for a full time APH CHW coordinator position?
DocumentImage  FY24 #109 Fuentes
Answered:  8/9/2023
110 Austin Public Health Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Please provide information on the FY24 funding amount for the Office of Violence Prevention. Please include a breakdown in General Fund allocations and any grant funding they may have. Please detail any projected changes in their funding compared to FY23.
DocumentImage  FY24 #110 AlterA
Answered:  8/4/2023
111 Austin Public Health Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Please provide information on the amount of funding specifically allocated to providing shelter or access to housing for victims of abuse and domestic violence.
DocumentImage  FY24 #111 AlterA
Answered:  8/9/2023
112 Parks and Recreation Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Please provide information on how the parkland dedication fee is structured in this year's budget. Please detail how HB 1526 sponsored by Rep. Cody Harris has impacted parkland funding and how the projected revenue from this fee compares to FY23. Please provide any additional information Council may require in order to understand how PARD's provision of parkland will be impacted by this regulatory change.
DocumentImage  FY24 #112 AlterA
Answered:  8/10/2023
115 Development Services/Planning and Zoning Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
What bucket does the money to pay for mailed notice about LDC changes come from? How much is budgeted for mailing notices? What did we spend on this in previous years? What does it cost to mail out notice about city-wide LDC changes? Are they planning to consolidate multiple items into a single notice? If so, is there a risk that waiting for a consolidated notice could delay any of those items?
DocumentImage  FY24 #115 Vela
Answered:  8/7/2023
116 Parks and Recreation Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
There’s $210,000 in one-time funding for shade structures in parks. How much shade would this funding provide? For example, how many playscapes or sports courts would this impact?
DocumentImage  FY24 #116 Vela
Answered:  7/31/2023
118 Austin Public Health Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Is any money allocated in the proposed FY23-24 budget for the Office of Violence Prevention to prevent or otherwise address violence and harm that surrounds sex work or affects sex workers?
DocumentImage  FY24 #118 Vela
Answered:  8/4/2023
120 EMS Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
What is the cost of Rainey St. safety pilot? What would be the cost to expand to 6th and/or Domain?
DocumentImage  FY24 #120 Vela
Answered:  8/3/2023
121 EMS Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
How much would it cost to expand triage line operations to 24 hours a day?
DocumentImage  FY24 #121 Vela
Answered:  8/4/2023
122 Communications and Public Information Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Does the budget include funding for additional staff for the Language Access Coordinator (current formal title - Community Engagement Specialist)? If so, for how many FTEs and/or PTEs?
DocumentImage  FY24 #122 Vela
Answered:  8/1/2023
123 Communications and Public Information Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
How much funding does the budget include for the Language Access Coordinator’s responsibilities, including developing, improving, and implementing a citywide language access policy, conducting assessments and surveys, mapping department resources, etc.?
DocumentImage  FY24 #123 Vela
Answered:  8/2/2023
124 Communications and Public Information Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
How much funding, if any, does the budget include for language access resources that will be made available to all city departments? For example, a contract with Language Line that any department can use.
DocumentImage  FY24 #124 Vela
Answered:  8/2/2023
125 Human Resources Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
How much funding is included for the Bilingual Pay Program? Is that money a single pool that all departments draw from, or is money budgeted for each department separately?
DocumentImage  FY24 #125 Vela
Answered:  8/8/2023
126 Financial Services Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Do each of the individual city departments have money budgeted for their particular language access needs?
DocumentImage  FY24 #126 Vela
Answered:  8/1/2023
127 Communications and Public Information Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
How much funding is included in the budget to complete the recommendations provided in the 2016 and 2022 audit reports of the city’s language access policies and practices and the 2021 audit of the city’s Winter Storm Uri preparedness, such as completing and implementing an emergency language access plan for essential communications during disasters, data collection to assess language needs and available services and resources, and developing metrics for the efficacy and efficiency of departmental and city policies?
DocumentImage  FY24 #127 Vela
Answered:  8/4/2023
128 Police Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
How much funding is allocated for training officers on interactions and encounters with people suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s, and similar conditions, often but not always associated with advanced age? Who would receive training, i.e., existing patrol officers, new hires, commanders, etc.? How often would the training be offered? Would it be separate training or incorporated into existing training? Would the training be mandatory or optional? If not already planned as a specific component of the FY23-24 budget, is there funding available that could be used to provide such training, whether a) entirely through a contract with an outside vendor; b) contract with a vendor to design the program, which will then be used by APD; c) designed and provided entirely in-house by APD; or d) another delivery method (please specify)?
DocumentImage  FY24 #128 Vela
Answered:  8/4/2023
129 Housing Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Why is the mobile home park fee doubled (p. 791)?
DocumentImage  FY24 #129 Vela
Answered:  8/5/2023
130 Financial Services Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
What funds are currently allocated to homelessness for FY 23-24? Please provide a detailed breakdown of all the buckets (e.g. PSH, diversion services, shelter)  and the sources of the funds. Please also provide this breakdown for funds already allocated to future years.
DocumentImage  FY24 #130 Vela
Answered:  8/10/2023
131 Watershed Protection Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Is there any funding set aside in Watershed for our creek cleanup for Mearns Meadow and others? (p. 329)
DocumentImage  FY24 #131 Vela
Answered:  8/3/2023
132 Financial Services - Budget Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Can you provide historical data on the City’s reserves funds?
DocumentImage  FY24 #132 Vela
Answered:  8/9/2023
133 Financial Services Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
What have our bond ratings been with lower reserve rates? What are all the variables that affect our bond ratings?
DocumentImage  FY24 #133 Vela
Answered:  8/8/2023
134 Financial Services - Budget Vela 2024
Received: 7/25/2023
Can you break down how much money would go into the reserve funds if we only increased it by 0.5%? Please provide details on how much it would be for each extra half percent. (e.g. 14.5%, 15%, 15.5%, 16%, 16.5%)
DocumentImage  FY24 #134 Vela
Answered:  8/4/2023
135 Building Services Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
How much does Building Services spend annually on electricity? What would be the cost to install enough solar capacity on City Facilities to supply 5% of City facilities’ total electricity consumption? Please provide an estimate of the time it would take to break even on this investment.
DocumentImage  FY24 #135 AlterR
Answered:  8/10/2023
136 Austin Water Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
Please detail any new expenditures to create or expand reclaimed water infrastructure projects.
DocumentImage  FY24 #136 AlterR
Answered:  8/1/2023
137 Austin Energy/Austin Water Utility Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
Please provide a current status of enrollment in the Customer Assistance Program and progress towards the goals set out in Resolution 20221201-046 (46% of eligible residential customers by June 2023)
DocumentImage  FY24 #137 AlterR
Answered:  8/3/2023
138 Communications and Technology Management Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
Please provide details on the $1.8m set aside for improved records management at the Police Department. What will these funds be used to accomplish?
DocumentImage  FY24 #138 AlterR
Answered:  8/8/2023
139 Communications and Technology Management Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
Please provide a timeline for AMANDA’s replacement program and the sources of funding.
DocumentImage  FY24 #139 AlterR
Answered:  8/4/2023
140 Parks and Recreation Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
What is the anticipated change to the land acquisition budget based on changes in state law to parkland dedication?
DocumentImage  FY24 #140 AlterR
Answered:  8/9/2023
141 Police Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
Please provide the proposed expenditures for each of the Police Department’s forfeiture funds?
DocumentImage  FY24 #141 AlterR
Answered:  8/3/2023
142 Financial Services - Budget Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
Please provide the current anticipated timeframe when currently active Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones will have paid for their adopted project plans and the remaining revenue can be dedicated for permanent supportive housing or other eligible service expenditures for people experiencing homelessness consistent with financial policy.
DocumentImage  FY24 #142 AlterR
Answered:  8/8/2023
143 Human Resources Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
Please share current summary metrics on gender pay equity for city employees.
DocumentImage  FY24 #143 AlterR
Answered:  8/1/2023
144 Development Services Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
The fee schedule proposes a 19% increase in the registration fee for Short Term Rentals (STRs). Please provide a table that shows the history of the fee and total number of registered STRs.
DocumentImage  FY24 #144 AlterR
Answered:  8/7/2023
145 Citywide Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
Please provide an organizational chart for the newly combined Transportation and Public Work departments. Please provide a breakdown of the executive FTEs and division manager FTEs within this department. Please also provide information regarding how many positions report to each division manager. Please provide information about how this ratio for management and executive positions compares with departments that have over 500 non-sworn positions under Municipal Civil Service.
DocumentImage  FY24 #145 AlterA
Answered:  8/11/2023
147 Human Resources Vela 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Please provide a list of the number of employees by department that currently participate in the Bilingual Pay Program, the average cost per FTE and per PTE per year, and the total number of employees that could participate in the program across the city under the current funding proposal.
DocumentImage  FY24 #147 Vela
Answered:  8/1/2023
148 Communications and Public Information Vela 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Is funding available in the proposed budget to study potential changes or additions to the Bilingual Pay Program to enable employees to use language skills by demonstrating qualifications through methods other than the current test?
DocumentImage  FY24 #148 Vela
Answered:  8/4/2023
149 Parks and Recreation Vela 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
In at least one Council work session earlier this year, there was discussion of restructuring the lifeguard pay scale as a more predictable, efficient, and effective way to incentivize hiring and retention instead of the hiring and retention bonuses used in 2022 and 2023. Does the current proposed budget for Aquatics allow for the study and implementation of such an approach by summer 2024?
DocumentImage  FY24 #149 Vela
Answered:  8/4/2023
150 Parks and Recreation Vela 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
"To better understand the funding requirements for a restructured pay scale, please provide a detailed explanation of what would be required to implement the following changes: a. increase the pay rate for Barton Springs Open Water Lifeguards to three dollars above the living wage; b. increase the pay rate for the position of Lifeguard 2 to one dollar above the living wage, Lifeguard 3 to two dollars above the living wage, Head Guards to one dollar above LG3s; c. Open Water Head Lifeguards to one dollar above Open Water Lifeguards; d. Facility Managers to 3 dollars above the rate for a Lifeguard 3; and e. adjusting other Aquatics positions accordingly."
DocumentImage  FY24 #150 Vela
Answered:  8/10/2023
151 Parks and Recreation Vela 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Please provide an explanation of what funding would be required to provide longevity pay rate increases or bonuses to encourage lifeguards to return each summer similar to the step raises received by EMS, Police, and Fire department employees.
DocumentImage  FY24 #151 Vela
Answered:  8/7/2023
152 Parks and Recreation Vela 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Please provide an explanation of what funding would be required to include public-facing Aquatics employees in the City’s Bilingual Pay program.
DocumentImage  FY24 #152 Vela
Answered:  8/6/2023
153 Parks and Recreation Vela 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Please provide detailed information on the funding required to offer paid training during the 40 hours of lifeguard training, the 20 hours of lifeguard recertification training, the number of hours required to obtain a lifeguard instructor certification, and the number of hours needed to acquire a water safety education certification. Parks and Recreation committed to implementing paid training from the first day of lifeguard courses during a response to a question in the 2023 Council Budget Q&A. Please provide an update on implementing paid training during lifeguard courses and whether and how much funding is included in the current budget proposal to do so.
DocumentImage  FY24 #153 Vela
Answered:  8/7/2023
154 EMS Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
How does the Domain, or North Burnet Gateway area rank in terms of Austin-Travis County EMS response? Are calls for service increasing in that area, and how are the needs of this area balanced against the needs of the surrounding areas that EMS covers?
DocumentImage  FY24 #154 Pool
Answered:  8/4/2023
155 EMS Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Are there strategies being developed to respond to the needs of this growing area over the coming years?
DocumentImage  FY24 #155 Pool
Answered:  8/4/2023
156 Parks and Recreation/Police Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
How much did PARD pay in the current FY2023 to implement safety and security measures within the parks system (APD officers, cameras, lighting, etc.) How were these measures funded and please provide a breakdown of expenditures. For instance, are the services provided per special event, or per specific park, or on targeted days or nights of the week?
DocumentImage  FY24 #156 Pool
Answered:  8/9/2023
157 Parks and Recreation Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
How much is proposed to be expended in FY24 and what is the proposed breakdown of expenditures for future safety and security measures?
DocumentImage  FY24 #157 Pool
Answered:  8/9/2023
158 Parks and Recreation/Police Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Will the proposed APD Reserve units be available to serve PARD’s needs on special events? What is the possibility of pursuing services from the surrounding Constable Precincts for park security and patrol, and is there an estimate of cost for those services?
DocumentImage  FY24 #158 Pool
Answered:  8/7/2023
159 Parks and Recreation Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Are there any limitations on pursuing community partners to perform park maintenance, above and beyond the current agreements with groups like The Trail Conservancy or Pease Park Conservancy? If so, what are those limits?
DocumentImage  FY24 #159 Pool
Answered:  8/6/2023
160 Parks and Recreation Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
Is PARD considering a safety and security assessment to inform safety and security measures for the City park system? Is such an assessment possible for FY24?
DocumentImage  FY24 #160 Pool
Answered:  8/4/2023
161 Parks and Recreation/Austin Resource Recovery/Watershed Protection Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
What is the total amount dedicated to the Workforce First crews, funded partially by ARR, WPD, and PARD? Are there any increases in funding contemplated for encampment cleanup for FY24?
DocumentImage  FY24 #161 Pool
Answered:  8/10/2023
162 Parks and Recreation Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
What is the status of funding and capacity for the OOST (Out of School Time) programming at PARD facilities for children? Are there waiting lists for these services at any of the City’s rec centers, and if so, which ones, and how long is the waiting list?
DocumentImage  FY24 #162 Pool
Answered:  8/7/2023
163 Parks and Recreation Pool 2024
Received: 7/27/2023
What is the total amount spent by PARD to repair equipment damaged from Winter Storm Mara? Do these repairs qualify for FEMA reimbursement, and if so, is that being sought? Do General Fund Department normally absorb repair costs following natural disasters if FEMA reimbursement is not available? 
DocumentImage  FY24 #163 Pool
Answered:  8/10/2023
164 Aviation Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/26/2023
How are we addressing the vacancies at the Airport?
DocumentImage  FY24 #164 AlterA
Answered:  7/31/2023
165 Citywide Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Will any wildfire mitigation funds be spent on the Barton Creek Greenbelt?
DocumentImage  FY24 #165 AlterR
Answered:  8/6/2023
167 Police Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Please break down the costs associated with the line item to move the 8 building services positions to APD.
DocumentImage  FY24 #167 AlterR
Answered:  8/3/2023
168 Police Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Is the information currently stored with the HR department related to APD personnel protected under LGC 143.089(g)? If the proposed 25.5 HR positions are moved into APD, will information that is currently disclosable to the public be subject to the protections of LGC 143.089(g)?
DocumentImage  FY24 #168 AlterR
Answered:  8/4/2023
169 Development Services Alter, R 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Please provide a breakdown of the fee waivers provided by DSD that are supported by the General Fund.
DocumentImage  FY24 #169 AlterR
Answered:  8/6/2023
170 Management Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Where is the resilience office’s budget reflected as a line item in the proposed budget? Please also provide details on the resilience office’s budget.
DocumentImage  FY24 #170 AlterA
Answered:  8/7/2023
171 Human Resources Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
The last time the City added a personal holiday to the City employee benefits package (September 2002), the Recommendation for Council Action stated, “There is no unanticipated fiscal impact. A fiscal note is not required.” Would there be a fiscal impact to adding a third personal holiday to the City employee benefits package? If yes, please estimate the funding needed.
DocumentImage  FY24 #171 Ellis
Answered:  8/6/2023
172 Human Resources Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Would there be a fiscal impact to reducing the City employee probationary period from 6 months to 90 days? If yes, please estimate the funding needed.
DocumentImage  FY24 #172 Ellis
Answered:  8/4/2023
173 Parks and Recreation Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
What are the option(s) for preventing vehicular access to the Circle C Metro Park soccer fields at night, and how much funding would be required to implement?
DocumentImage  FY24 #173 Ellis
Answered:  8/7/2023
174 Austin Resource Recovery Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Would any additional financial resources be needed to implement the forthcoming Multifamily Composting ordinance?
DocumentImage  FY24 #174 Ellis
Answered:  8/4/2023
175 Austin Resource Recovery Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
With respect to WPD and ARR's Trash in Creeks study, is an FTE for the recommended Trash Coordinator position included in the draft FY24 Budget? If not, how much funding would be required to add this FTE?
DocumentImage  FY24 #175 Ellis
Answered:  8/9/2023
176 Planning Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
How much funding would be required to add the 4 needed eTOD Planning FTEs to this year's budget? Could they be added mid-year, once the Planning Dept has filled some vacancies, and what would that funding requirement be?
DocumentImage  FY24 #176 Ellis revised
Answered:  8/10/2023
177 Austin Public Health Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Is funding included in the draft FY24 Budget for continued education and services focused on sexual and reproductive health and wellness, allowable contraception, and/or service navigation?
DocumentImage  FY24 #177 Ellis
Answered:  8/4/2023
178 Transportation Public Works Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Is funding included in the draft FY24 Budget for continued membership in and financial support for the CAPCOG Clean Air Coalition?
DocumentImage  FY24 #178 Ellis
Answered:  8/8/2023
179 Police Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Is funding included in the draft FY24 Budget for continued operation of a safe gun storage campaign, including free gun locks?
DocumentImage  FY24 #179 Ellis
Answered:  8/8/2023
180 Transportation Public Works Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Have the four new FTEs in the FY23 Budget for Living Streets, including neighborhood block parties, and other special events been hired? Are additional financial resources needed to implement the Play Streets and Resident-Led Healthy Streets programs per Resolution No. 20211021-027, or is the barrier non-financial?
DocumentImage  FY24 #180 Ellis
Answered:  8/9/2023
181 Citywide Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
What funding is included in the draft FY24 Budget for homeless encampment cleanups? Will funding continue for The Other Ones Foundation's Workforce First program? Is ARR's Clean Creeks Crew fully funded?
DocumentImage  FY24 #181 Ellis
Answered:  8/9/2023
182 Parks and Recreation Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
When FEMA reimburses the City for damage caused by a natural disaster (e.g. winter storm), does any of that funding go towards reimbursing PARD for the vegetation & debris cleanup work necessitated by the disaster?
DocumentImage  FY24 #182 Ellis
Answered:  8/10/2023
183 Parks and Recreation Ellis 2024
Received: 7/28/2023
Can we please see PARD's 5-year budget plan for land management?
DocumentImage  FY24 #183 Ellis
Answered:  8/9/2023
185 Library Ellis 2024
Received: 7/31/2023
Regarding the proposed 5 positions to increase security and improve cleanliness at branch libraries, what does this include?
DocumentImage  FY24 #185 Ellis
Answered:  8/4/2023
186 Transportation Public Works Ellis 2024
Received: 7/31/2023
Previous briefings had indicated the Transportation User Fee would likely need to be increased to implement the Mobility Bond programs timely per the Contracts with the Voters. If we do not increase the TUF this year, will a larger increase be necessary next fiscal year?
DocumentImage  FY24 #186 Ellis
Answered:  8/7/2023
187 Citywide Ellis 2024
Received: 7/31/2023
With the combining and separating of various departments proposed in the FY24 Budget, please provide an explanation and table of how FTEs are proposed to be transferred/added/eliminated from each department.
DocumentImage  FY24 #187 Ellis
Answered:  8/8/2023
188 Planning Ellis 2024
Received: 7/31/2023
Regarding the proposed 5 new Planner FTEs, staff stated 2 are for zoning, 2 are for code amendments, and 1 is for long-range planning. Will any of these be working on eTOD station area plans?
DocumentImage  FY24 #188 Ellis
Answered:  8/7/2023
189 Planning Ellis 2024
Received: 7/31/2023
Regarding the proposed $500k in CIP for eTOD planning efforts, what does this money cover? Planning consultant contracts?
DocumentImage  FY24 #189 Ellis
Answered:  8/8/2023
190 Development Services Ellis 2024
Received: 7/31/2023
When fees are charged for MUDs, PUDs, PDAs, and PIDs do those dollars return to the individual department budgets as laid out in the chart? For example, does the Planning Dept budget receive the $200k+ charged to pay for the service of creating a MUD? If not, where do the fees go?
DocumentImage  FY24 #190 Ellis
Answered:  8/8/2023
191 Building Services Kelly 2024
Received: 7/31/2023
What would be the cost and timeline to have the outside of city hall cleaned?
DocumentImage  FY24 #191 Kelly
Answered:  8/9/2023
192 Austin Public Health Vela 2024
Received: 8/1/2023
How much funding does the proposed budget include for legal services for low income immigrants? This funding has previously been located in Austin Public Health.
DocumentImage  FY24 #192 Vela
Answered:  8/8/2023
195 EMS Kelly 2024
Received: 8/2/2023
How much funding is allocated in the Proposed FY23-24 Budget for Narcan and other harm reduction resources for EMS
DocumentImage  FY24 #195 Kelly
Answered:  8/8/2023
196 Austin Water Alter, R 2024
Received: 8/2/2023
Please describe what investments are proposed in this budget to achieve the Water Forward Plan?
DocumentImage  FY24 #196 AlterR
Answered:  8/10/2023
197 Austin Water Alter, R 2024
Received: 8/2/2023
Please describe what activities are included in Austin Water’s FY24 budget to prevent and detect leaking water pipes, and how much spending does that represent? How much funding is included to repair and replace leaking drinking water pipelines in FY24 and the 5-year capital spending plan?
DocumentImage  FY24 #197 AlterR
Answered:  8/8/2023
198 Austin Public Health Alter, R 2024
Received: 8/2/2023
What is the cost to operate the Northbridge Shelter at double capacity for the upcoming fiscal year? How much is in the budget to operate this shelter? If there is a deficiency, where would the funding come from to cover this cost?
DocumentImage  FY24 #198 AlterR
Answered:  8/9/2023
199 Police Fuentes 2024
Received: 8/3/2023
The Kroll report recommended 2 positions for improved curriculum training, why are there 7 positions proposed? Will these positions be replacing the vacant training positions? Please confirm whether these positions were previously civilian volunteer positions.
DocumentImage  FY24 #199 Fuentes
Answered:  8/7/2023
200 Parks and Recreation Velásquez 2024
Received: 8/3/2023
What is the status of the Parque Zaragoza Neighborhood Park - Bathhouse Rehabilitation and is there sufficient budget to complete it?
DocumentImage  FY24 #200 Velásquez
Answered:  8/7/2023
201 Fleet Services Alter, R 2024
Received: 8/3/2023
Please provide the status of the City’s transition to battery electric vehicles. Please include the number and percentage of city-owned vehicles as well as the percentage of vehicle miles traveled.
DocumentImage  FY24 #201 AlterR
Answered:  8/9/2023
202 Austin Public Health/Management Services Kelly 2024
Received: 8/3/2023
How much money is allocated in the Proposed Budget for extreme weather sheltering? Please outline by line item.
DocumentImage  FY24 #202 Kelly
Answered:  8/9/2023
204 Police Vela 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please describe in detail the duties of the proposed seven additional FTEs based on the Kroll Report recommendations concerning the police academy, and how those responsibilities relate specifically to the Kroll Report recommendations.
DocumentImage  FY24 #204 Vela
Answered:  8/7/2023
205 Police Vela 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please describe in detail the duties of the proposed four additional data reporting FTEs and the need for those positions. Please also explain why those four positions are only funded for a partial year.
DocumentImage  FY24 #205 Vela
Answered:  8/8/2023
206 Management Services Kelly 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
What is currently allocated for extreme weather shelters as it relates to city-owned emergency centers? Specifically, during emergencies and extreme weather events. Please outline what the allocated funds pay for in detail.
DocumentImage  FY24 #206 Kelly
Answered:  8/8/2023
207 Financial Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please detail the investments and associated departments proposed to be funded through the Capital Rehabilitation Fund in FY24.
DocumentImage  FY24 #207 AlterA
Answered:  8/7/2023
208 Parks and Recreation Vela 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
How much added funding would be required to add seven additional full-time lifeguards, assuming that the seven would be converted from current temporary lifeguards? How much would it cost if the seven were funded without converting from current temporary lifeguards?
DocumentImage  FY24 #208 Vela
Answered:  8/9/2023
209 Management Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
As a follow-up with CBQ #10, it is our recollection that the warehouse was funded during last year’s budget. Please provide a status update on the balance of funds and where those funds are currently located in the proposed budget.
DocumentImage  FY24 #209 AlterA
Answered:  8/15/2023
210 Police Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
As a follow up to CBQ #11, for the Groundwater Analysis Training: how many classes have been offered in FY23 and how many non-cadet officers were enrolled in and completed each non-cadet focused course in FY23?
DocumentImage  FY24 #210 AlterA
Answered:  8/7/2023
211 Financial Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
As a follow-up to CBQ #35, what are the projected vacancy savings by department?
DocumentImage  FY24 #211 AlterA
Answered:  8/9/2023
213 CTM/Financial Services Dept Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Page 125 of the proposed budget refers to the Human Capital Management system investments: please provide the plan and timeline for the implementation of the Human Capital Management system.
DocumentImage  FY24 #213 AlterA
Answered:  8/8/2023
214 Economic Development Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
What accounts for the increased general fund transfer into Economic Incentives Reserve Fund of $2.8 million on Page 230?
DocumentImage  FY24 #214 AlterA
Answered:  8/28/2023
215 Financial Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please provide a list of planned capital investments in District 10.
DocumentImage  FY24 #215 AlterA
Answered:  8/9/2023
216 Austin Public Health Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please detail any *new* investments within the proposed budget that are supporting and expanding the availability of affordable, high-quality childcare and early education through our social service contracts and interlocal agreements.
DocumentImage  FY24 #216 AlterA
Answered:  8/8/2023
217 Austin Public Health Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please provide additional information or context as to why there is a decrease in projected revenue from the Travis County interlocal (Page 159).
DocumentImage  FY24 #217 AlterA
Answered:  8/10/2023
220 Housing Harper-Madison 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
A New Entry, a local, eastside non-profit organization providing residential substance abuse treatment to individuals experiencing homeless, must secure commitments for $550,000 by September 7, 2023 in order to secure a matching $3.5 million award from Travis County to purchase their existing 60-bed treatment center and build an annex with an additional 40 beds. Can the appropriate City departments confirm that because of the type of supportive housing this project will provide, it is ineligible for the traditional sources of housing funds (such as the City’s bond-funded programs and LIHTC and other state programs)?
DocumentImage  FY24 #220 Harper-Madison
Answered:  8/9/2023
221 Library/Parks and Recreation Harper-Madison 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
The Carver is the centerpiece library, museum and community center serving the historically Black neighborhoods of Greater East Austin. While there are funds going towards capital investments in the library, are there any additional funds allocated to properly staffing this cultural hub, which has also had to house additional Mexican-American cultural programming with the closure of the MACC?
DocumentImage  FY24 #221 Harper-Madison
Answered:  8/9/2023
223 Austin Public Health Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
The Bridge Child Care Voucher social service contract expires September 30, 2023. Is there $266,044 allocated again for YWCA-Bridge Child Care Voucher in APH’s proposed budget?
DocumentImage  FY24 #223 Qadri
Answered:  8/8/2023
224 Housing Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please provide a breakdown of spending categories from density bonus fee-in-lieu programs, as well as current and projected funding from density bonus fee-in-lieu programs.
DocumentImage  FY24 #224 Qadri
Answered:  8/15/2023
225 Austin Public Health Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Are the five new positions in APH for contracts under the Homeless Strategy Division?
DocumentImage  FY24 #225 Qadri
Answered:  8/9/2023
226 Management Services Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please confirm the remaining budget amount for the Interlocal Agreement with UT-Austin through the Office of Innovation.
DocumentImage  FY24 #226 Qadri
Answered:  8/15/2023
227 Housing Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
What is the revenue source for the Local Housing Voucher Program and under which department? Are these funds expended through a contract or a program at the City of Austin? Is the $4 million allocated for the program a one-time or ongoing allocation?
DocumentImage  FY24 #227 Qadri
Answered:  8/15/2023
228 Austin Public Health Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Are the APH permanent supportive housing contracts for capital projects or social services?
DocumentImage  FY24 #228 Qadri
Answered:  8/10/2023
229 Financial Services Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please provide the APD Civilian Vacancy Report, detailed by job classification, for the past 10 years.
DocumentImage  FY24 #229 Qadri
Answered:  8/10/2023
230 Austin Public Health Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Is recommendation number three from the 2022 City Services for Older Adults Audit on time for the proposed implementation date of September 30, 2023?  “Austin Public Health will coordinate with the City Manager and the Communications & Public Information Office to examine resources needed to develop an accessible and useable webpage to serve as a “one-stop” information center for use by older adults.”
DocumentImage  FY24 #230 Qadri
Answered:  8/10/2023
231 Austin Public Health Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please provide an organizational chart for the Homeless Strategy Division and identify each position’s key roles.
DocumentImage  FY24 #231 Qadri
Answered:  8/8/2023
232 Police Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please provide the APD line-item expenditures, including the Forfeiture Fund for FY 22-23 and proposed budget for FY 23-24.
DocumentImage  FY24 #232 Qadri
Answered:  8/9/2023
233 Police Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Please provide an update on the implementation of Halo Cameras from the Safer Sixth Street Initiative and funding source.
DocumentImage  FY24 #233 Qadri
Answered:  8/8/2023
235 Austin Public Health Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
What is the amount allocated to community service providers, including Jane’s Due Process, for reproductive health care services?
DocumentImage  FY24 #235 Qadri
Answered:  8/8/2023
236 Human Resources Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
What is the estimated fiscal cost to include stillbirths as a qualifying event to utilize paid parental leave? 
DocumentImage  FY24 #236 Qadri
Answered:  8/8/2023
237 Municipal Court Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
Are the following Downtown Austin Community Court budget recommendations included in the FY 23-24 budget? 1) $2,029,800 of ongoing funding for six grant-funded clinical case managers and programmatic funding to continue connecting clients to housing; 2) $150,000 of ongoing funding to enhance the Violet KeepSafe Storage Program.
DocumentImage  FY24 #237 Qadri
Answered:  8/9/2023
238 Austin Public Health Qadri 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
In the previous budget cycle there was one-time funding for American Gateways immigrant legal services. Is there $250,000 allocated again for American Gateways in APH’s proposed budget?
DocumentImage  FY24 #238 Qadri
Answered:  8/8/2023
239 Human Resources Kelly 2024
Received: 8/4/2023
How much would it cost to provide holiday pay to temporaries, broken down by department.
DocumentImage  FY24 #239 Kelly
Answered:  8/8/2023
242 Communications and Public Information Vela 2024
Received: 8/7/2023
How much funding would it be required to have an employee be present and available at every Council meeting (excluding work sessions) to provide Spanish language support to members of the public?
DocumentImage  FY24 #242 Vela
Answered:  8/10/2023
243 Financial Services Alter, A 2024
Received: 8/7/2023
Please provide an update to the typical tax and ratepayer projections assuming the adoption of the official voter-approval property tax rate for fiscal year 2023-24.
DocumentImage  FY24 #243 AlterA
Answered:  8/9/2023